Remuneration Policy

  • Competitive salary system
  • Holiday bonuses
  • Year-end bonus
  • Annual salary adjustment
  • Bonuses and performance incentives
  • Instant recognition rewards

Health and Life

  • Annual health check-up
  • On-site medical consultation
  • Subsidies for sports and fitness centers
  • Stress-relief massage
  • Medical/Nursing room
  • Equipped with body fat scale/blood pressure monitor
Welfare and Daily Life
  • Meal allowances
  • Free snack cabinets
  • Coffee bar and vending machines
  • Occasional afternoon tea
  • Departmental gathering
  • Car/Motorcycle parking subsidies
  • Reserved parking for pregnant colleagues
Work-Life Balance
  • Flexible working hours
  • Well-being leave
  • Paid sick leave
  • Paid family care leave
  • Employee group insurance
  • Domestic or overseas travel subsidies
  • Birthday vouchers
Special Care
  • Wedding gifts
  • Maternity allowances
  • Third child pre-school allowances
  • Employee children’s scholarship
  • Hospital visitation
  • Funeral condolence
  • Preferred vendors