Talent Attraction and Development

M31 has invested a large amount of resources in recruiting excellent talent. We strive to better connect all employees and their efforts to the core values (Innovation, Quality and Passion) of our boutique culture. We also offer compensation and benefit systems that are competitive and meet the employees’ needs to attract and retain excellent talent with the aim of creating a better future together with them.

Compensation Policy

M31’s core value is humane orientation. We respect the value of each person and treasure our team. Therefore, the Company has formulated a competitive compensation policy with more diversified rewards to share the Company’s business results with the employees, creating a win-win working environment, which is also our commitment to M31’s employees. In addition to paying our employees’ salaries in accordance with laws and regulations, M31 also pays the employees holiday bonuses, and may grant dividends and performance bonuses to them according to the revenue and profit for the year as a reward for their contribution to the Company. M31 also makes annual salary adjustments to maintain the overall compensation level. Employee remuneration, annual salary adjustments, year-end bonuses and dividends and performance bonuses as well as their maximum amounts are determined based on the Company’s business operations, the employees’ individual and departmental performance results, with the prevailing industry standard, price level and other factors taken into account. In accordance with M31’s Human Rights Policy, there should not be any discrimination in the overall compensation of each employee on the basis of gender, age, race, religion and nationality. This allows the employees to give full to their value and specialties in an equal workplace.

Talent Development

M31 offers a diverse and inclusive environment to attract professional R&D talent. We also value continuous talent development, allowing the talent to pursue mutual sustainable growth with the Company.