Intellectual Property Management

Applied Target and Management System

M31 and all employees (including irregular and fixed-term contracts) and external consultants or professionals of M31 who participate in M31’s research projects.

Encouragement to Innovation

In order to encourage employees to actively innovate, M31 has established an award system to recognize “innovative proposals”, “patent applications”, “paper publications”, “annual outstanding performance,” and “special contributions”, and set annual goals to urge employees to continue to grow in new technologies and enhance the competitiveness of M31’s products and technologies.

Through a diversified reward system, combined with the strategic use of M31’s intellectual property rights (IPR), high value IPs are created for M31.






Analysis of Product and Market Application of Patents

M31 not only accumulates a large number of innovative proposals each year, but also selects several innovative proposals for patent applications. Currently, M31 has accumulated more than 150 patent applications, of which more than 70% have been granted in the United States, China and Taiwan. Moreover, the head of the intellectual property and legal office reports to the board of directors at least once a year on the execution of the intellectual property management plan. This year’s intellectual property management plan has been reported to the board of directors on November 2, 2023.

Patent Rated

  • Product Excellence (PPASQ)
  • Core Products or Market Tendency
  • Burden of Producing Evidence
  • Design Around

Patent Analysis

  • Technical Field of the Patent Invention
  • Scope of Claim
  • Application in Product
  • Value Mining (Potential Infringer)

Overall Evaluation

  • Market Tendency
  • Patent Strength
  • Product Applications

Patent Portfolio Construction And Management

  • Maintenance System
  • Connection with Business Strategy
  • Connection with Sales Strategy
  • Management System