Human Rights Policy

M31 has formulated the “Human Rights Policy” in accordance with the “UN Universal Declaration of Human Rights” to protect the human rights of the employees, and has established the “Work Rules,” “Complaint and Report Procedures,” “Preventive Measures Against Workplace Harassment, Complaint and Punishment Procedures” and other related management policies and procedures pursuant to the “Labor Standards Act” and other related labor laws to protect the legal rights of the employees.

Implementation Guidelines

  • Provide a safe and healthy working environment free of harassment and bullying
  • Eliminate illegal discrimination and ensure equal employment opportunities
  • Prohibit the use of child labor
  • Forbid forced labor and protect employees’ freedom of employment and association
  • Comply with all applicable laws and regulations governing wages, benefits and working hours
  • Support and assist employees in maintaining physical and mental health as well as a work-life balance
  • Build official reporting and complaint channels