Annual Focus of the Sustainable Development Committee

M31’s Sustainability Development Committee is composed of five members: Chairperson Huey-Ling Chen, Director Li-Kuo Liu, Director Chun-Hao Lai, Independent Director Jun-Ji Lin, and Independent Director Shih-Ying Huang.

The Committee meets at least once a year, and its scope of responsibilities includes:

1. Formulating, promoting, and strengthening the company’s sustainability development policies, annual plans, and strategies.

2. Reviewing, monitoring, and revising the implementation and effectiveness of sustainability development initiatives.

3. Supervising sustainability-related disclosures and reviewing the sustainability report.

4. Overseeing the implementation of the company’s sustainability development guidelines or other sustainability-related tasks as resolved by the Board of Directors.

The Sustainability Development Committee’s Implementation Group assists the committee in implementing various plans, covering the following organizational tasks and reporting on the implementation status of sustainability development to the sustainability development committee:

Sustainability Development Committee Implementation Group: Responsible for implementing the committee’s strategies and annual plans, preparing budgets related to sustainability development, formulating sustainability information management policies, and complying with relevant regulations and international standards for sustainability information disclosure. The unit ensures the disclosure of relevant and reliable sustainability information to enhance transparency and achieve the company’s sustainability development goals.

1. Corporate Governance Team: Responsible for compliance with corporate governance regulations, establishing reasonable compensation policies and employee performance evaluation systems, providing training, and implementing stakeholder communication mechanisms to achieve the company’s sustainability development goals.

2. Environmental Symbiosis Team: Responsible for the environmental management system, compliance with environmental regulations and international standards, assessing sustainable transitions, improving resource utilization, implementing climate change response mechanisms, and establishing dedicated environmental management units or personnel to achieve environmental sustainability goals.

3. Society Co-benefits and Labor-Management Harmony Team: Responsible for human rights management policies and procedures, compliance with human rights-related regulations and international standards, establishing internal and external communication mechanisms for all organizational members (such as employees, subsidiaries, joint ventures, etc.) and key members of the value chain, assessing related risks and management mechanisms, and promoting community and cultural development to achieve the goal of sustainable operations.

4. Product Technology and Brand Innovation Team: Responsible for consolidating outcomes and information related to product technology and brand innovation, disclosing material and reliable information on innovative R&D to enhance stakeholders’ transparency regarding the company’s niche information.

Each team is responsible for executing the tasks outlined in the preceding section, consolidating execution plans or other sustainability-related matters, and reporting the execution results to the Sustainability Development Committee’s Implementation Group.

Annual Operation of the Sustainable Development Committee

Meeting Attendance of the Sustainable Development Committee